Dr Michelle Antoinette is a researcher in Asian modern and contemporary art histories, and Senior Lecturer in Art History and Theory at Monash University, Melbourne. Her research focuses on the contemporary art histories of Southeast Asia on which she has published widely. Michelle previously held research and teaching positions at the Australian National University, where she was Convenor and Lecturer for courses on Asian and Pacific art and museums. She has held two Australian Research Council Fellowships researching developments in Asian contemporary art and museums: ‘The Rise of New Cultural Networks in Asia in the Twenty-First Century’ (2010-13; DP1096041) and the ARC DECRA project ‘Asian Art Publics’ (2017–20; DE170100455). Her major publications include Reworlding Art History: Encounters with Contemporary Southeast Asian Art after 1990 (Brill | Rodopi, 2015) and with Caroline Turner, Contemporary Asian Art and Exhibitions: Connectivities and World-making (ANU Press, 2014). In 2019, she co-curated with Wulan Dirgantoro the exhibition Shaping Geographies: Art, Woman, Southeast Asia, held in Singapore.