John Clar is Professor Emeritus in Art History at the University of Sydney where he taught for twenty-one years. He wrote Modern Asian Art in 1995 and this was published in 1998 at Craftsman House, Sydney, and University of Hawai’i Press. His Asian Modernities: Chinese and Thai art of the 1980s and 1990s, Sydney, Power Publications, 2010, won the Best Art Book Prize of the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand in 2011. Modernities of Chinese Art, and Modernities of Japanese Art came out from Brill in 2010 & 2013. The two-volume The Asian Modern, 1850s – 1990s which examines twenty-five Asian artists in five generations from the 1850s to 1990s, will be published by the National Gallery of Singapore in October 2020. Also in press for 2020 from National University of Singapore Press, is his Contemporary Asian Art at Biennials, studies from 2000-2005.