Dr Ann Stephen, FAHA
2015 ongoing Scientific Committee, European Network for Avant-garde and Modernism Studies (EAM)
2013 ongoing Chair and director, Art Monthly Australasia
2011 - 2014 President, Art Association of Australia and New Zealand
2009 ongoing Senior Curator, Art, Chau Chak Wing Museum, University of Sydney
2000 - 2008 Curator, Social History, Powerhouse Museum
Bauhaus Diaspora and Beyond: Transforming Education through Art, Design and Architecture, with Goad, McNamara, Edquist, Wunsche, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 2019
Jacky Redgate: Mirrors, with Robert Leonard, Power Publications, Sydney, 2016
Modern times: The untold story of modernism in Australia, with Goad and McNamara, MUP, Melbourne, 2008
On Looking at Looking: The art and politics of Ian Burn, MUP, Melbourne, 2006
Modernism & Australia: Documents on Art, Design and Architecture 1917-1967, with Goad, McNamara, MUP, Melbourne, 2006
Visions of a Republic: The work of Lucien Henry, Powerhouse Publishing, Sydney, 2001
The Necessity of Australian Art, with Burn, Merewether, Lendon, Power Publications, Sydney, 1988
Badges of Labour Banners of Pride, with Reeves, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1985